IEEE Event Terms and Conditions:

IEEE Privacy Policy:

Human and/or Animal Subjects:

The 25th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) supports the standard requirements on the use of animal and human subjects for scientific and biomedical research. For all papers reporting data from studies involving human and/or animal subjects, formal review and approval, or formal review and waiver, by an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee is required and should be stated in the papers. For those investigators whose institutions do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000, should be followed.

Authors should include a statement on ethical compliance in a separate section entitled “Compliance with Ethical Standards” in their manuscript. This section can appear on the fifth page of the paper.

We emphasize that reporting on compliance with ethical standards is required (irrespective of whether ethical approval was needed for the study) in the paper. Authors are responsible for correctness of the statements provided in the manuscript. Examples of appropriate statements include:

• “This is a numerical simulation study for which no ethical approval was required.”

• “This research study was conducted retrospectively using human subject data made available in open access by (Source information). Ethical approval was not required as confirmed by the license attached with the open access data.”

• “This study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University B (Date…/No. …).” Most importantly, please adhere to the anonymization rules during manuscript submission.

Conflicts of Interest:

The 25th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)supports the disclosure of financial support for the project as well as any financial and personal relationships of the author that could create even the appearance of bias in the published work. The authors must disclose any agency or individual that provided financial support for the work as well as any personal or financial or employment relationship between any author and the sources of financial support for the work.

Authors should disclose any real or potential conflict of interest in the acknowledgments section of the paper. This section can appear on the references page of the paper.

We emphasize that reporting on real or potential conflicts of interests, or the absence thereof, is required in the paper. Authors are responsible for correctness of the statements provided in the manuscript.

Examples of appropriate statements include:

• “No funding was received for conducting this study. The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.”

• “This work was supported by […] (Grant numbers) and […]. Author X has served on advisory boards for Company Y.” Most importantly, please adhere to the anonymization rules during manuscript submission.

• “Author X is partially funded by G. Author Y is a Founder and Director for Company C.” Most importantly, please adhere to the anonymization rules during manuscript submission.

Refund Policy:

All registration fees covering a paper are non-refundable. For registration fees not covering a paper, a full refund, after a US$50 (equivalent) processing fee, will be given, provided the request is applied for prior to the last day of the Advance Registration deadline.

Author Registration:

Each accepted paper must be covered by at least one non-student registration by 18 July 2024, and one non-student registration can cover up to four papers.

Non-Presented Paper (No-Show) Policy:

Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper at the conference. If a paper is not presented at the conference, the paper will not be published by IEEE on IEEE Xplore® or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed to conference attendees as conference proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to IEEE. For poster sessions, if the speaker is not present in front of the poster for most of the time during the poster session, this also implies the paper was not presented. Conference organizers are required to collect attendance records and a list of any non-presented papers and submit to IEEE SPS staff.

Exceptions to this policy will be made by the Technical Program Chair(s) of the conference only if there is evidence that the no-show occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted. The no-show authors may appeal the decision of the Technical Program Chair to the VP-Conferences.

Qualified Proxy Policy:

The presentation of papers by substitutes is highly discouraged and may only be made after permission is granted by the Technical Program Chair(s) of the conference based on solid evidence that none of the authors is available to present. Papers presented by substitutes without permission will be considered as no-shows.

Authors with Travel Restrictions Policy:

The Signal Processing Society values diversity. Authors who anticipate inability to travel to a conference because of a government-imposed travel restriction are still encouraged to submit papers. Such papers will be reviewed and accepted on their own merit for publication without any knowledge of the author’s travel restriction. Within one week of paper acceptance notification, travel-restricted authors must notify the Technical Program Chair of the conference with proof of their restriction. Substitute presenters may be possible or, depending on conference resources, other accommodations may be available, such as a remote presentation or pre-recorded video.

IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement:

IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thought provoking conversations that support IEEE’s core mission of advancing technology for humanity. Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events. Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on site staff, security or venue personnel, or to

IEEE Signal Processing Society Diversity Statement:

The IEEE Signal Processing Society adheres to the IEEE Code of Conduct and is committed to providing equal opportunity to its members, regardless of ethnicity, race, nationality, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, and/or personal identity. The Society is committed to a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes diversity in the signal processing community.

View the complete IEEE Signal Processing Society Policy & Procedures Manual at

IEEE also recommends posting information about preprints, including Arxiv.


Authors may post their preprints in the following locations:

• Author’s personal website

• Author’s employer’s website



• Funder’s repository*

This does not count as a prior publication. If copyright to the paper was transferred to IEEE through the completion of an IEEE Copyright Form before the preprint is posted, IEEE must be credited as the copyright holder with the following statement included on the initial screen displaying IEEE-copyrighted material:

“© 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”

Upon publication of the paper, the paper’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be added.

Visit the IEEE Author Center for more information on SPS sharing and posting policies at

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